HP Products

When you buy HP Products, you are buying the best!

The benefit of buying an HP Product over other brands is that other manufacturers only support their machines for approximately 5-7 years; after this time period the manufacturer ceases to make compatible parts. Have you ever been told your copier is “no longer supported”? This is not true! Copier dealers insist that you get rid of perfectly good working equipment because the manufacturer has discontinued making parts. This does not happen with HP. We have customers with HP Laserjet printers that were purchased in 1998, that are still in great working condition. HP still produces OEM parts and there are plenty of products available to provide service for many years to come. As of January 2014, HP has sold over 200,000,000 Laserjet printers, (that’s not including Deskjet, Officejet or Designjet).


The majority of copier dealers can repair HP machines. When you purchase for example a Toshiba, Ricoh, Xerox, Canon, Konica Minolta, etc., often the only company that can provide service is the dealer that sold the item. That is why they convince you to purchase a service contract. Most copier service contracts also include a certain amount of pages per month, this is a rip off! What if you don’t use your monthly allotment? You pay anyway! If you exceed your monthly allotment, you pay an additional fee per page! We recommend that you don’t buy this type of a service contract. With our HP MFP machines, you have control of your printing and copying destiny. You can buy HP toner (toner includes the drum), from multiple outlets. There are over 25 dealers in WNY, thousands throughout the USA, that can repair your machine. There is an abundance of aftermarket parts, refurbished parts and supplies available.